Intensive Language Workshops for Business

Tailor-made to suit your company's needs

Intensive Language Coaching Workshops for Businesses

One Day Language Coaching Workshops are extremely effective for concentrated, quick and specialised coaching either on a one to one basis or ideally in groups. These workshops are subject specific and can serve to deepen knowledge of grammar and vocabulary related to specific fields and in addition can serve to troubleshoot issues and iron out problems.

Topics such as Legal English, English for Human Resources or English for Journalists or telephoning in English, business communication, negotiating, giving presentations or even delivering speeches. The workshops are conducted by our qualified coaches with highly efficient material to obtain maximum effects. 

The workshops can be tailor-made to suit the company client’s needs focusing on any sector specific or topic specific theme. We follow a coaching method prior during and post-workshop. A maximum of ten delegates per group is recommended and a minimum of two, although more participants are possible and Efficient Language Coaching may recommend the presence of two coaches depending on the number of attendees. 

Workshops are really tailor-made to match clients’ needs and so an effective evaluation and dialogue will always take place prior to the setting up of the seminar itself. Efficient Language Coaching will firstly discuss the programme and follow the needs of the company before it then shapes the workshop to address those requirements.

It is recommendable that for these types of workshop clients should have at least an intermediate level of English. (B1 level in the European Framework). For more information please contact us and we will be happy to inform you. The workshops are normally one day workshops but can be also be delivered in half days or more than one day.

Workshop Themes

English for Secretaries

Designed to improve all business communication at the office
This is a seminar especially for secretaries, designed to improve all business communication at the office. For example “small talk”, telephoning, writing emails and letters, taking care of visitors, diary dates, hotel and travel reservations and arrangements. Language is consolidated and knowledge is deepened, especially regarding the differences between formal and informal English, through analysis and continual English practice. Each participant will receive a secretary’s manual to assist them in their daily work and use of English at the office.

English Grammatical troubleshooting

Troubleshooting grammar issues, translation and interpretation
This seminar is unique. For the first time the participant will have the chance to troubleshoot and correct their errors with a native expert coach who is able to assist with the differences between the target language and the mother language. On the other hand, the participant will learn helpful tips to perfect a continuous learning method. The programme includes “troubleshooting” grammar issues, translation and interpretation. Constant interactivity between the coach and the participants will ensure that all individual and general problems and needs will be addressed. How to get the best out of oral communication as well as introducing yourself and your company and exploring written communication, with attention on informal and formal differences. Finally English culture will be looked at and examined to see how this influences the language.

Business Communication in English

Perfecting all aspects of business communication in English
This seminar focuses on perfecting all aspects of business communication in English. For example “small talk”, networking, speaking on the telephone, expressing opinions, giving and asking for advice, delegating and giving orders, writing emails, letters and reports. The language is consolidated and knowledge is deepened through analysis and continual practice. In addition, you will learn English communication together with native English coaches that have teaching and coaching qualifications and who have vast knowledge in coaching executives, directors and board members as well as other specialised experts.

Legal English

Introduction to the language of Legal English
This seminar is an introduction to the language of Legal English. Different legal terms will be interpreted and worked on to be able to translate legal documents and contracts. Different topics concerning contracts like offer and acceptance, consideration and other special legal terms will be discussed. Legal vocabulary will be consolidated and strengthened and particular attention will be given to formal and informal language through the analysis of formal contract clauses and correspondence between lawyers, clients and courts. Finally, negotiation of contracts and decisive clauses of contracts will be practised, as well as how to communicate properly with clients and counterparts.

English for Human Resources

Introduction to Human Resources English
This seminar is an introduction to the different topics of Human Resources. Over the day various aspects will be discussed, such as recruitment and interviews, formal correspondence to employees, internal issues which affect employees, language used in trade union discussions, wages and salary, bonus and commissions, target agreements and appraisals, taxation, social security as well as personal issues such as discrimination, dismissal, redundancy etc. There will also be a special focus on employment contracts and special clauses.

Small Talk and Networking in English

Mini dialogues, paragraphs of vocabulary, mini conversations, and a quick grammar reference
This focused course is for people with an elementary and higher level of English and deals specifically with the issue of “small talk” for business men and women. In today's business world it is essential to be able to deal with small talk and converse freely and easily on generalised topics. The course is orientated in this way with mini dialogues, paragraphs of vocabulary, mini conversations, and a quick grammar reference relating to word formation. For business people it is essential not only to be able to “talk business”, but also to be able to “make small talk”.

English for Service Industry

English for the Service Industry, Hotels and Restaurants
English for the Service Industry, Hotels and Restaurants, this is especially focused upon the English vocabulary and language usage relating to the service industry, in particular hotels and restauration. A high level of English gives a touch of distinction to your business. The participant will learn to explain and ask their client as well as deal with complaints efficiently and satisfactorily. Real life situations with clients will be practised and how to deal with such situations with a correct, direct but polite language. Written communication as well as oral communication will be strengthened, especially focusing on formal and informal differences and the importance of being able to use both styles to get the best results when offering a service. This seminar will be a great help to all employees working in the service sector that work daily with the public.

Negotiating in English

Perfect knowledge and skills in negotiating
Designed especially to perfect knowledge and skills in negotiating. In this way the best results are guaranteed at the time of carrying out negotiations and discussing essential points to negotiate. Not only does the seminar centre upon language aspects, but it also focuses on how to formulate and proceed in negotiations using native expressions and linguistic tactics. On the other hand, body language is also addressed and cultural aspects which could influence the result of the negotiation. The seminar will commence by looking at the grammatical and linguistic aspects followed by simulations and role plays, so that each and every participant may practise the acquired knowledge and integrate it actively and interactively.

Presentations & Public Speaking in English

Designed to help you deliver presentations
Designed to help you deliver presentations in a professional and calm manner, this seminar approaches the language of presentations, structure, style and manner of delivery. Additionally you will learn how to deliver public speeches. Do you really know how to speak in public or give interesting presentations in front of an audience? You will learn how to maintain your cool, speak with an air of certainty and confidence, make your audience laugh as well as keep the interest going. Body language and voice tone and control will also be extremely important themes during the day, as well as visual aids, connecting with them and using them efficiently together with descriptions of diagrams and graphs. Learn what IMPACT stands for and learn to put it into practise.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or would like a course quotation.