Corporate Language Coaching Sessions that fit right into your sector, industry and company structure
Our Specialised Language Coaching sessions are tailored to your company’s specific requirements and can be conducted online or at a location convenient for you and your team.
Our Neurolanguage Coaches specialize in combining brain based coaching principles and tools into the language learning sessions. They embrace principles of neuroscience and how the brain likes to learn and how to keep the brain away from a threat status, as well as traditional coaching processes such as goal setting and action setting and International Coaching Federation principles.
Examples of Specialised Language Coaching Sessions Target Areas
Legal English
Specialist sessions tailor-made for Law, analysis of legal terms, contracts and legal topics
Specialist Sectors
Bespoke language coaching sessions for sectors such as F1, Oil and Gas and Energy
Human Resources
Sessions designed to help you Human Resources team break down language barriers and build cohesive teams
Language Coaching sessions for the Insurance world where clear, concise language use is crucial
An interconnected planet requires interconnected telecommunication teams who can communicate with each other effectively
Management and Leadership
Efficient and effective language coaching sessions that will transform you business leadership
Your globalized market expects to hear your message in their language - expand your world and grow sales
The manufacturing industry crosses all borders. Improve your processes and intercontinental communication with laser focussed sessions
Language coaching sessions designed to help medical professionals and companies communicate accurately and empathetically
Tailor-made language coaching sessions for secretarial, business communication, correspondence, reports and presentations
Coaching sessions that enable energy companies to effectively communicate with their supply chain and their clients and customers